Welcome 3rd graders! We are starting a science unit to help our friend Maya learn more about herself and others like her. Even those different than her! Maya is a PARROT! A Quaker Parrot. Since she is only a year old, she doesn’t know much about herself, so it is up to us to help her out!
This is Maya. A one year old Quaker Parrot. She is young, and very eager to learn more about herself, and her natural habitat. Maya is a very talkative bird, in her own bird language, but is also working on using English words and phrases. Maya is a very intelligent bird. She loves to eat seeds, vegetables and fruit also. Sometimes she gets cheese and some meats too. Broccoli is her favorite food, and she will eat it every day if she can. Maya likes to play with lots of toys when she is not hanging out sitting on somebody’s shoulder.
Can you help teach Maya about parrots?
Take this short quiz on parrots to see how much you know. Don’t worry if you don’t know the right answer, neither does Maya, so it is a chance for us to learn together! And if you do know the answers, great! Maya really needs your help! The quiz can also be found here.
Here are some basic facts to get started:
The smallest parrot is 8cm or 3 inches long!
The largest parrot is 1m or 3.3 feet long!
Some parrots have the ability to mimic sounds they hear, even human words!
There are over 100 species of parrot listed as endangered!
This lesson is intended for a 10th Grade Economics Class. This activity would be used in the middle of the unit, after students have explored the definitions of both supply and demand.
Instructions for Students:
Follow the link provided to open up the Supply and Demand Story Google Form
Choose your own adventure! Follow the different options to decide what kind of business you will open. (Note: you do not have to do all 3! Just pick one of the options and follow the questions for that one)
Answer each question by referring back to your knowledge of supply and demand. Think about what the best choice for your business would be based on supply and demand.
If you make a wrong choice, no worries! You can go back to make some “business adjustments” and choose the correct answer.
When you complete the form, submit it for grading.
Goal for this Lesson:
My goal for this lesson is that my students will be able to apply the laws of supply and demand to examine the process of several business decisions such as choosing a product, surveying a consumer base, and setting equilibrium prices.
This google form would serve as a getting to know you tool before kids start school. When I took ED 426, Classroom Management, Dr. Hilary Merk explained how important it is to get to know your students’ hobbies, how they learn, difficulties learning, etc. This is an easy way to get a lot of information very quickly that you can incorporate into your classroom from day 1.
This lesson is designed for Geometry Students (9th-10th Grade) who are ideally at the beginning of a Unit on Similarity and Congruence between shapes, specifically triangles.
-Get yourself situated into a learning mindset and collect questions to ask from last nights homework
-Once we have addressed all relevant homework questions we will move on to independent review time before we attempt the quiz
-Click the link to attempt the quiz. Quiz expectations are that you are doing your own work and not consulting any outside sources. Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions!
Lesson Goals:
Students will be able to identify acronyms for Similarity Conjectures
Students will be able to justify with proper conjecture when given similar figures
Direct Link:
Click here for a direct link to our Google Forms Quiz
This lesson is designed for World History high school students to discuss Athens and Sparta. Students should come into the lesson with a background of the two. The purpose of this lesson is to refresh students on the differences and similarities between the two before giving them a Google Form quiz.
Questions to ask students:
-What struck you about Spartan society? The military, the role of women, the society itself?
-What were some certain goals of Sparta in wartime? Especially during the Peloponnesian War?
The instructor should reinforce the idea of Sparta as a militaristic Greek state and ask what this might mean and how it affected the Spartan way of life.
Questions to ask students:
-What struck you about Athenian society perhaps compared to Spartan society? The military, the role of women, citizenship, etc?
-What are some accomplishments of the Athenians that we still see today?
-Do you believe the Athenians were truly a democracy? Ask students to consider the class system and the power Athens held over their allies in the Delian League.
The instructor can take the opportunity to discuss the decline of Athens in relation to the rise of Rome which, depending on the curriculum, would be a topic the class discusses in the near future.
The Google Form Quiz
This quiz is designed in a way that allows students to chose which Greek society they want to be quizzed on. Students pick either Sparta or Athens and answer 5 questions on a certain society; each question is worth 2 points to a total of 10 points for each quiz.
Allowing students the choice of what they are quizzed on takes pressure of them, and it allows you as the instructor to see which society students may have liked. This type of testing also allows the instructor to see which society that students may need more instruction on depending on which society students pick overall. The instructor could even challenge students to take both or even have the second section be extra credit for students that may need it.
Currently, this quiz gives the feedback right away, but I would personally go over answers manually because some of the questions are designed with multiple answers and partial credit is not given manually by Google Forms. For the purpose of this post though, feedback is given right away.
To get the full experience of the quiz, it has been edited so that the end of the Athens section goes back to the beginning of the quiz so that you can get an idea of both tests while also getting a score for both sections.
Then take a look at these multiple choice questions. Choose the answer you think has two words that rhyme. When you’re done, check your work. If you missed one, try again! Remember read them out loud and listen for those similar sounds.
To prompt students to identify and recognize rhyme as we continue into our poetry unit.
This will help guide students toward the state standard:
Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive reading.
Teacher Notes:
This can be adjusted for grade level to be more challenging or simpler.
It can also be adjusted as a more formal assessment for the younger grades.
Hi, 5th Graders! Today in Math I’ll be asking you to work on Google Forms. This is NOT for a grade, but please take your time and visit any links listed after the questions. I’m here if you have questions! 🙂
Instructions 1.) Please click here to visit the Google Forms. 2.) Take your time and do your best! Answer ALL of the questions! Please submit when you’re finished. 3.) Review any questions you may have missed. Please click on all of the links to look at the extra pictures and videos!
Student Goals – Demonstrate knowledge of fractions so far in the unit. – Self-reflect on their strengths and weaknesses.
Teacher Goals – Review data to determine what next steps should be. – Create ability groups based on different student needs, if necessary. – This can help the teacher know whether students are ready to move on to more complex fraction problems (adding, multiplying, etc.).
This lesson is intended for Spanish 3 students to guide their own learning about the environment and conservation efforts of different Spanish speaking countries. Students are expected to use the Google Form to: select a country of interest, read the corresponding article, use the form to summarize, review vocabulary, and give me feedback, and then report to the class about the article the next day in small groups.
Instructions for students:
1.) Enter your information into the Google Form.
2.) Select the country you would like to learn about. You are only reading ONE article.
3.) Read the article provided for your selected country.
4.) Follow the prompts in the Google Form.
5.) Come prepared to work with a small group in class to share about what you learned and teach others about your country!
My goals for this lesson include:
Giving students freedom to guide their own learning.
Exposure to authentic Spanish texts (news articles).
Collaborative learning – teaching others about their article and learning from their peers.
The Google Form helps accomplish this by giving students the choice of what they would like to read and being able to assign specific vocabulary comprehension questions and to hold students accountable for their reading.
The Google form automatically corrects their vocabulary comprehension and allows me to gain feedback on the articles I am assigning as well.
Although this isn’t a lesson per say, I think it is important to check up on our student’s mental health so this form could be used daily. This lesson gets the students into a routine, it allows students to reflect on their mental health and express it feelings, and it allows students to ask the teacher questions about the assignment in a private space.
Hello 7th graders, I know there is a LOT going on right now in each of your lives. Please take this survey to let me know how you are doing. There are so many resources for you both academically and emotionally. You have all pushed through such a hard year and are working so hard to show me your math skills! And yes, math skills are important but YOU are more important than those math skills. Please complete this Google Form by answering each question you are comfortable answering and submitting it once you have finished.
The goal of this Google From is not about a certain subject but more about the social and emotional state of my students. Because this year has been really tough on many of them I think it is very important to check in on their wellbeing. This survey serves two purposes. One, it allows for me as the teacher to see how my students are doing and be able to use that information to reach out to certain students, change my class structure or allow more time in class for SEL activities. The second purpose it that it allows for students to get strategies regarding their wellbeing (physical, emotional, etc.) as well as give them some academic resources if they need them. The form is a dynamic way of collecting the information I want to be able to know how my students are doing but also directs them to questions that are applicable to their responses. For example, if my students say they are not having a great week, I will then ask them about their sleep schedules. If they answer they don’t sleep at least 8 hours on average I will give them some sleep tips and then have them move on to other questions regarding their social and emotional health.
Who is this survey for?
This type of SEL survey could be given to any different grade level just with modifications to the questions and the resources. All students, no matter the age/grade, need to be checked in on often. This specific form was created for middle schoolers.
Hola estudiantes! Hoy, vamos a tomar un viaje a Barcelona, España! En las semanas pasadas, hemos estudiado la comida y la cultura de España. Ese es su oportunidad de aprender un poco más sobre la vida de un española.
Primero, van a hacer clic aquÃ. Entonces, van a escoger que quieres hacer durante su aventura! Espero que tengan un buen y seguro viaje!
Hi students! Today we are going to take a trip to Barcelona, Spain! In the previous weeks we have been studying Spanish culture and food. This is your opportunity to learn a little more about the Spanish lifestyle.
First, you are going to click here. Then, you are going to chose what you want to do during your adventure! I hope that you have a safe and awesome trip!
Give students the opportunity to make choices and use their imagination.
An opportunity to practice food and tourist vocabulary.
Students can use to pictures to remind them what some of the options mean.
Students learn a little more about Spanish activities, culture, and food.
For my activity I created an art history activity for a European or World history class. This would be for high school students, depending on what year they study European or World history. This activity focus on a general overview of art history though 5 historical art period.
The activity is framed as a museum walk-through, where the students get to pick with the order they explore each of the time periods. It uses the feature that brings students to a specific section based on the answer they chose. Each section includes pictures of art from that time period as well as informational videos to introduce the students to that historical art period. Then the students must answer some open-ended questions that encourage higher-order thinking.
Instructions Listed on the Google Form
This is a mini-museum walk-through activity. There are five sections, each containing art and architecture from a historic art period. Take a look at the artwork from each time period and watch the short videos (some are longer but you do not need to watch the whole video!) Then complete the open-ended questions. These questions are meant to be challenging. However, there is no one correct answer so don’t stress too much, just answer it to the best of your abilities using your observations and analysis skills. Its up to you which way you make your way through the museum! You may do them in any order and return to any section to change your answers, but make sure you answer every section before you turn it in!
The goal of this activity is to give the students a general knowledge of some of the historical art periods to contextualize the historical events they are learning about. This activity challenged students to use higher-order thinking skills to answer the open-ended questions. It is not a graded quiz, but it allows for students to take differentiated paths as if they are walking through a museum. Students can return to their previous answers or sections at any time to take another look at the artwork and change their answers.
Art Of Our Ancestors: 10 Most Amazing Cave Paintings In The World (article) http://noisebreak.com/art-ancestors-10-amazing-cave-paintings-world/ (creative commons license)
Venus of Willendorf – https://www.piqsels.com/en/public-domain-photo-zbcfm (creative commons license)
Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky – Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Abu Simbel – 10 Most Impressive Ancient Egyptian Temples https://www.touropia.com/ancient-egyptian-temples/ (Creative commons License)
Cologne Cathedral – Image by Thanks for your Like • donations welcome from Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/dom-gothic-cologne-cathedral-square-5216007/
Barcelona Gothic Cathedral – Image by sosinda from Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/barcelona-gothic-cathedral-building-3436967/
Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter by Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci (1445?-1523), called Perugino. https://www.flickr.com/photos/20919058@N05/5849492515