Enhancing Math Education with Google Forms

Above, I created an eight question Trigonometry Quiz that I would use in my Geometry classroom. This quiz has a variety of question types and is self-graded. Students would be able to take this quiz and immediately get their score. This is very useful as it grades the quizzes immediately, I can quickly see which students are struggling or excelling in this topic, and I can see which questions were the hardest for students. Using this type of technology gets rid of the time teachers need to grade assessments and analyze test scores. I did find Google Forms is a little tricky when trying to type math equations. I found that in order to properly type math, you would need to install a separate extension that allows you to import math equations into the Form. Hopefully, Google will add an “Insert Math Equation” function soon like they have in Google Docs.

The next Google Form I created was a branching form for my Algebra 1-2 students. I designed this form as a check-in quiz where my students could test their skills on solving one-step equations and I could also see who needs more support. The form is designed in a way where students see one question at a time. If the student answers correctly, they move on to a new problem. If the student answers incorrectly, they are directed to a video and then can try the problem again. While making this form was very time-consuming, I really like the idea of utilizing these types of forms in my classroom. Branching forms can be a great way to build in more individualized supports in the classroom.

Featured Image: Photo by cottonbro studio

3 Replies to “Enhancing Math Education with Google Forms”

  1. Maddy great job with both forms. The branching one took some planning! I liked the way it offered remediation if I missed the question. Nicely done!

  2. Maddy, I think that these are a great use of google forms in the classroom . I think that math is a subject that works really well with google forms. Your use of images in the google form was useful for the form.

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