Helping Maya! Part 1

Welcome 3rd graders! We are starting a science unit to help our friend Maya learn more about herself and others like her. Even those different than her! Maya is a PARROT! A Quaker Parrot. Since she is only a year old, she doesn’t know much about herself, so it is up to us to help her out!


This is Maya. A one year old Quaker Parrot. She is young, and very eager to learn more about herself, and her natural habitat. Maya is a very talkative bird, in her own bird language, but is also working on using English words and phrases. Maya is a very intelligent bird. She loves to eat seeds, vegetables and fruit also. Sometimes she gets cheese and some meats too. Broccoli is her favorite food, and she will eat it every day if she can. Maya likes to play with lots of toys when she is not hanging out sitting on somebody’s shoulder.

Can you help teach Maya about parrots?

Take this short quiz on parrots to see how much you know. Don’t worry if you don’t know the right answer, neither does Maya, so it is a chance for us to learn together! And if you do know the answers, great! Maya really needs your help! The quiz can also be found here.

Here are some basic facts to get started:

  • The smallest parrot is 8cm or 3 inches long!
  • The largest parrot is 1m or 3.3 feet long!
  • Some parrots have the ability to mimic sounds they hear, even human words!
  • There are over 100 species of parrot listed as endangered!

All images of Maya were taken by Adamm Creel.

2 Replies to “Helping Maya! Part 1”

  1. Adam I love how you used Maya in your post as well as lesson to have students teach Maya about herself, so cute!

  2. Loved the design of your form. The answers to previous question lead to next question. Super easy to both deliver feedback and move the lesson along.

    Excellent selection of content. Both questions and photos. First rare demo of how to effectively use Google Forms. Plus …. Maya in the bath. What a hoot.

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