Adding Color to Our Writing!

Hi, 5th graders! 🙂
Today we will be learning about figurative language by exploring the Google Sites below! We’ll learn how it’s defined, why it’s used, and look at seven different types of figurative language – similes, metaphors, oxymorons, hyperboles, onomatopoeias, alliteration, and personification!

Please feel free to work by yourself, with a partner or partners, and remember to ask the teacher for help if you need it!

Remember to go in order (so start at Figurative Language, then go all the way down to the Final Check-In page) and complete the Exit Ticket at the end!

Author: Brienne Tajima

Target Student Group: Intended for 5th grade ELA but could be adjusted for any grade level introducing or reviewing figurative language.

Context: These lessons could be used as an introduction for a larger unit on figurative language. It will take students through what figurative language is, as well as seven different types of figurative language – similes, metaphors, oxymorons, hyperboles, onomatopoeias, alliteration, and personification.

Goals: Learners should be able to define figurative language, explain its importance in writing and reading, and also be able to list and explain the six different types of figurative language that are covered. Additional goals include gradually incorporating some of them into their writing and recognizing it in the things they read.

Featured Image by Mahbod Akhzami on Unsplash

Shapesbook: A Google Sites

Click here to check out Shapesbook!

Welcome to Shapesbook!

Today, you will complete the lesson, What is a Polygon?

This lesson is made by me, Marissa Yliniemi.

This lesson is made for 3rd grade students.

This site marks the beginning of our geometry unit.

This goal for this lesson is to introduce key vocabulary that we will use throughout our unit. This site accomplishes that as it introduces the shapes in a friendly, fun way!

Featured Image by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

My Class Website

Featured Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

For my website assignment, I wanted to focus on how I would want a class website to look like. I want it to be a place for students and parents to find all sorts of resources. Not only can students find some of their homework here, but they can rewatch videos used in lessons. Parents could find their kids art work for the past month displayed, a form to sign up for classroom opportunities, and much more.

I didn’t complete every single form I wanted to, but this would be something I would put a lot of work into coming into the school year so that it is very accessible to parents and students. So, there would be calendar sign ups for meetings and volunteer opportunities. This would also be the place to access the monthly newsletter than explains the units for the upcoming month as well as any class news so that parents are in the loop. However, this would only be the case if I was in a school situation where I know that kids have access to a computer at home.

For students, they would be able to complete homework, answer class polls, view lessons and past Power Points. Things like pre assessments, exit tickets, and quizzes would take place in the classroom, not at home.

It is also important to note that if I were to use pictures of students, the website would only be accessible to people with the exact link to ensure the safety of all the students.

Click here the image to visit the class page!

Future Substitute Folder

Target Student Group: K-2

Lesson Context:

  • This Google site could be used in the future for substitute teachers to have all of their information all in one place. This site includes procedures, student information, agenda, bell schedule, and contact information. This lesson allows for an easier and more confident place a substitute teacher can access answers to their questions. This site is used as a template for a hypothetical classroom, which is why some spaces are blank.

Goal for the Lesson

  • The goal for this Google site is to better aid substitute teachers just in case general teachers can’t make it to school. Using a Google Site rather than a binder allows for easier access as well as easy manipulation.

Why Google Sites?

  • Google Sites is ideal to use because it is easy to embed other Google apps such as Google Docs or Google Forms. Google Sites allows other forms of media to be easily accessed as well such as YouTube videos or images. This site is easy to use and can hold a lot of information in a neat way.

You can access the site: HERE

Helping Maya! Part 3

We are nearing the end of our Parrot unit, and have helped Maya gain lots of information about herself and other parrots, but there is still more to learn. Maya invites you to use her guide to help get information. While you explore the contents, think about which kind of parrot would make a good friend for Maya, and be sure to tell her in the quiz at the end! Click Helping Maya! or here to get started.

Maya invites you to also color a picture of her or a friend when you are done!

Color page courtesy of under Creative Commons licensing.

Women of the Italian Renaissance

Hello everyone!

This lesson is for high school world history students. This lesson can be part of the larger unit on Italian society during the Renaissance. The female artists section on the site also works for an art history class, and the female writers section can be used for a literary class!

The purpose of this lesson is to examine both the role of women in society and some women artists and writers of the Italian Renaissance. The site includes information on the role of women in Renaissance Italy and different female artists and authors of the Italian Renaissance.

This image is linked to the website!

Photo Citations

Featured Image Photo by Shobha La Porta on Unsplash

Photo of Google Site by Sophia Winland

Explorando los tensos diferentes

Por: Rachel Carbary y Marissa Rowley

¡Vale niñes! Hoy vamos a usar un sitio hecha por Maestra Carbary y Maestra Rowley. Hacer clic aquí para accesarlo. Entonces:

  1. Tomar el pre-examen
  2. Navegar los lugares diferentes por el sitio. debajo “verbos” (presente, reflexivo, etc.) Estudiar las reglas y los usos diferentes.
  3. Jugar con los enlances por la pagina “Practica” para ayudarte.
  4. Tomar el post-examen.

Okay, students! Today we are going to use a site that Maestra Carbary and Maestra Rowley created. Click here to access it. Then:

  1. Take the pre-exam
  2. Navigate the different places on the site under the heading “Verbs”. (present, reflexive, etc). Study the different rules and their uses.
  3. Use the links under the “Practice” page to play different games.
  4. Take the post-exam


The goals of this lesson are to help students in third-year Spanish prepare for their final exam. In Spanish 3, a lot of time is spent covering the different verb tenses, their uses, and their conjugations. This can be very overwhelming and confusing for students. This website was created with the intention of helping students understand the difference between the different tenses. The pre and post quizzes allow students to see where they started, and how much they learned. by the end of their practice on the website. It also lets them see what areas they should study more before taking the final exam.

Geometry Proofs on Google Sites

This google site is designed for a geometry class, 9th – 12th grade, as a practice and review activity for a proofs unit. The goal is for students to use the youtube videos to review and the practice assignment to test their knowledge. At the end there is an exit ticket to check students learning and for them to turn in the links to their work.

Click this link to go to the Geometry Proofs Practice Site

Featured image: Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

Pourquoi le français? Why I’m learning French

The website I created, “Advocating for World Language Education”, is designed as a way for students, parents/guardians, and the community as a whole to explore the purposes and benefits of learning a second language (whether it’s French or any other language). I want to incorporate this into a lesson at the beginning of the year with my first-year students to have them investigate why learning French will be a great thing for them! This will hopefully open them up to the versatility and benefits of learning another language regardless of their plans for the future and help them to become intrinsically motivated learners.

-Students will be able to connect the value of learning a second language with their personal lives and explore how French can be an asset for them in their futures.
-Students will be able to research and articulate a clear argument for the value of them choosing to learning French.
-Students will be able to invest in their own learning and become more self-motivated by building links between the uses/benefits of multilingualism with their personal, academic, and professional goals.

Imagine your parents do not want you to learn French because it “isn’t useful”, unlike something like economics. Using the website below and its links to other resources, create a pamphlet or flyer to convince them that learning French is a great decision! Personalize it to your ambitions, your interests, and how French can be beneficial in your life (now and in the future). Include visuals (photos, charts, tables, data, etc.) to back up your arguments and try to rebut potential counterarguments. Why is French right for you and how will it be important in your life? What do you hope to do in the future and how will learning French help to get you there?

Classroom Google Site

I treated this assignment as me creating my own website that I could potentially post my own content even after this class. I recently opened an instagram where I have posted a couple of things about teaching and have been gaining quite a few followers and have been wanting to design a way to share my work so I am really glad we were assigned a project like this. When you first get onto the google site you see a welcome page where I talk a little about myself (1st image below) and the main sections I have that people can choose from are lessons, classroom books, more posts, and contact me which you will see below!

When you go to lessons you will find my second grade habitats lesson which is divided into its own subpages which allows it to be easy to access everything I have that can be used for a lesson on habitats. For the lesson tools, activities, and videos I provided two options for whoever looks at it so they change the lesson to what they want to focus on! You can find the link for my google site just below the pictures to see everything yourself.

Link for my google site!:

Featured Image:Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

A Bit of Chemistry: The “Basics” ,

Featured image: “Transparent chemistry glass tubes filled with substances” by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Today, we are going to learn about acids, bases, and how that knowledge can be applied through the use of a Google Site. 

Target audience: High school (or greater) students who are in a general chemistry course and are learning about acid-base chemistry.

Lesson context: This lesson aims to be both an introduction and a review on the basics of acid-base chemistry. It is not, by any means, exhaustive. 


  1. Pre-assess what students already know through the activities on the “pre-lesson activity” tab. 
  2. Discuss what is an acid versus a base (using the “definitions” tab and the subheadings “acids” and “bases”).
  3. Once the definitions are cemented, learn real-world applications of acid-base chemistry, allowing students to connect the importance of acid-base chemistry to everyday life. 
  4. Take a post-assessment to ensure understanding has been reached (located under the “post-lesson activity” tab).

*5. Have fun while doing science! (There are some fun videos under the “science fun” tab as well).

Why a Google Site? Google sites are free to use. Plus, their design allows for separation due to the multiple page feature, which comes in handy with topics that have a lot of pieces to them (like acid-base chemistry). This aspect also makes it easy for students to return to the information if they wish to review it. However, it does make it difficult to limit what students do when, as they have access to everything at the same time.

Click on the image to be directed to the Google Site. You can also click HERE.