Por: Rachel Carbary y Marissa Rowley
¡Vale niñes! Hoy vamos a usar un sitio hecha por Maestra Carbary y Maestra Rowley. Hacer clic aquí para accesarlo. Entonces:
- Tomar el pre-examen
- Navegar los lugares diferentes por el sitio. debajo “verbos” (presente, reflexivo, etc.) Estudiar las reglas y los usos diferentes.
- Jugar con los enlances por la pagina “Practica” para ayudarte.
- Tomar el post-examen.
Okay, students! Today we are going to use a site that Maestra Carbary and Maestra Rowley created. Click here to access it. Then:
- Take the pre-exam
- Navigate the different places on the site under the heading “Verbs”. (present, reflexive, etc). Study the different rules and their uses.
- Use the links under the “Practice” page to play different games.
- Take the post-exam
The goals of this lesson are to help students in third-year Spanish prepare for their final exam. In Spanish 3, a lot of time is spent covering the different verb tenses, their uses, and their conjugations. This can be very overwhelming and confusing for students. This website was created with the intention of helping students understand the difference between the different tenses. The pre and post quizzes allow students to see where they started, and how much they learned. by the end of their practice on the website. It also lets them see what areas they should study more before taking the final exam.
A very thoughtful approach to using Google sites. You have created a great resource to guide students through pre-testing / rules / activities / and post testing.
The site is designed with visual appeal and easy navigation. Good step-by-step directions clearly direct the student. A fine work of instructional design.
Rachel and Marissa,
This is great way to present verb tenses! I love how clear the directions/navigation are. I also love how each tense is a page in the pull-down tab for verbs. I also love that you provide a place to practice using what you’ve learned. Fantastico! Bien hecho!
I would love to steal this idea and do a French version! You can never have too much practice with past tenses, and this website is a great way of having students interact with it.
Very simple, but efficient and does the job! I would use this in my ESOL classroom as well to teach my students about the English language because students would have so much fun with it.