I am from a place deep rooted in love and culture

Where the people are kind and warm

They have thick skin

And despite the odds they face, they strive to win

I am from my parents, Kat and Pat

Two peas in a pod

My models for sure

When I feel sad, they’re my cure

I am from a role where I’m a big sister

I try to lead and protect

His name is Kian

He’s one of my best friends

I am in a place where I’m trying to ground my feet

At a university where I’m learning to teach

I’m excited to see

What the future holds for me

I choose to use Sway because I enjoyed how simple it was. This website is easy to understand and not hard to figure out. I think once you figure out the design aspect and how you want to present your information, it makes for a good resource to be used in the classroom (either by the students or for the students).

3 Replies to “I AM”

  1. Chloe, I really enjoyed your Sway. You write well and your poem is powerful. Your selection of photos and layout effectively used Sway to illustrate your story. Well done.

  2. Hi Chloe!
    I enjoyed reading your poem and thought that it was very creative! Your sway is also great with lots of wonderful pictures and details! Great job!!!

  3. Chloe, I always love your love for your home and your poem and Sway really conveyed those emotions. I especially like the line in your poem about your parents and family (and your rhyme scheme!!). Great work!

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