Adding Color to Our Writing!

Hi, 5th graders! πŸ™‚
Today we will be learning about figurative language by exploring the Google Sites below! We’ll learn how it’s defined, why it’s used, and look at seven different types of figurative language – similes, metaphors, oxymorons, hyperboles, onomatopoeias, alliteration, and personification!

Please feel free to work by yourself, with a partner or partners, and remember to ask the teacher for help if you need it!

Remember to go in order (so start at Figurative Language, then go all the way down to the Final Check-In page) and complete the Exit Ticket at the end!

Author: Brienne Tajima

Target Student Group: Intended for 5th grade ELA but could be adjusted for any grade level introducing or reviewing figurative language.

Context: These lessons could be used as an introduction for a larger unit on figurative language. It will take students through what figurative language is, as well as seven different types of figurative language – similes, metaphors, oxymorons, hyperboles, onomatopoeias, alliteration, and personification.

Goals: Learners should be able to define figurative language, explain its importance in writing and reading, and also be able to list and explain the six different types of figurative language that are covered. Additional goals include gradually incorporating some of them into their writing and recognizing it in the things they read.

Featured Image by Mahbod Akhzami on Unsplash

Shak(espeare)in’ It Up!

5th Grade | ELA

– After the teacher has taught about one or more types of poetry in the Google Slides (below), students will be able to create their own examples on Book Creator.
– This will allow them to dive deeper into the world of poetry while also being able to practice their writing and creativity!
– It additionally gives students practice working with Book Creator and helps the teacher check-in with how students are doing in understanding and creating poetry.

1.) The teacher will use the Google Slides and any other additional resources to introduce students to some of the different types of poetry.
2.) The teacher will show students how to use Book Creator.
3.) The teacher will show students the example Book Creator, explaining that the directions for each page will be in purple, boxed text, and that the Slides from class are on the last page if they were absent or forgot about the type of poetry covered in class that day.

A Slideshow of the example Book Creator:

Featured Image by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Exhausting, Exciting Expeditions!

Target Student Group:
5th Grade | Social Studies/History

1.) The teacher will give students the MyMaps link marking some of the points throughout Lewis and Clark’s expedition. They should remind them that each marker is numbered, so they need to go in numerical order from 1 to 15.
2.) Let students know they will need to explore, read, and take notes on what they learn from the Map so that they can complete Google Forms Quiz at the end.
3.) Give students the link to the Google Form and let them know they can look back at the Map and work with others to fill it out.
For Groups: Give students autonomy – let them decide whether they want to work together or with a partner(s). Preferably no more than three.

After you’re finished exploring, reading, and taking notes, please work on the Google Form Quiz below! Please let me know if you have any questions! πŸ™‚

Lesson Goals:
– As 5th graders wrap up the Native Americans Unit, they will be able to add on to their knowledge about them by learning more about Lewis and Clark’s expeditions and interactions.
– By exploring and reading the markers on the Map, students can learn more about the struggles Lewis and Clark faced, along with the impact they had on our knowledge of various animal and plant specimens and geographical areas (Louisiana, Mississippi River, and the Pacific Ocean).

Featured Image by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash
Information Source:

Fraction Check-In!

Hi, 5th Graders!
Today in Math I’ll be asking you to work on Google Forms. This is NOT for a grade, but please take your time and visit any links listed after the questions. I’m here if you have questions! πŸ™‚

1.) Please click here to visit the Google Forms.
2.) Take your time and do your best! Answer ALL of the questions! Please submit when you’re finished.
3.) Review any questions you may have missed. Please click on all of the links to look at the extra pictures and videos!

Student Goals
– Demonstrate knowledge of fractions so far in the unit.
– Self-reflect on their strengths and weaknesses.

Teacher Goals
– Review data to determine what next steps should be.
– Create ability groups based on different student needs, if necessary.
– This can help the teacher know whether students are ready to move on to more complex fraction problems (adding, multiplying, etc.).

Featured Image by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

A Pizza the Pizza – Fractions Activity!

Hi, 5th graders! Since we’re starting our Math Fractions Unit very soon, I wanted to do an intro activity as a refresher. Today we’ll be making pizzas using fractions!

1.) Please open the activity on Google Drawings here.
2.) The pizza ingredients are to the left of the page. Drag each one to match the fraction amounts for each of the pizza orders.
3.) For the “Make Your Own Topping,” follow the instructions in the Slideshow below.
(Click Insert, Shape, Shapes, and pick a shape. To change a shape’s color, click on the shape, then paint bucket button. To change a shape’s size, click on the shape and drag the blue dots).

Ask for help if you need it! πŸ™‚

Student Goals:
– This activity can help students activate what they remember and don’t remember about fractions in a fun way through pizza-building by asking them to use the fractions provided in the Pizza Orders to make the correct pizzas.
– It can be a way to check in with themselves before they start the fractions unit.

Teacher Goals:
– Based on how students do, this data can guide the teacher’s instruction before they officially start teaching the new unit on fractions.
– The activity can help the teacher see which students understand fractions (Pizza Order #1), and which students know how to simplify fractions (Pizza Order #2). This can help the teacher make decisions on ability grouping.

Featured Image by Ivan Torres on Unsplash

Jamboard: Decimals and Base Ten Exit Ticket

Context: Exit Ticket
After 5th graders have a Math lesson on reviewing decimals (writing them, reading them, and making them using base ten blocks), the teacher can use a Jamboard Exit Ticket to check for student understanding.

Instructions for Students:
1.) Please open this Jamboard link.
2.) Click on the three dots at the top right of the page (next to the blue “Share” button).
3.) Click on “Make a copy.”
4.) Please answer all the questions.
5.) Once you’re finished, please click on the blue “Share” button and share it with the teacher’s email address before leaving class.

Use this hyperlink

This Jamboard can help students meet the goal of understanding how to write, read, and make decimals using base ten blocks because it helps them check-in with their progress or understanding on achieving these goals.
Depending on which page(s) students get incorrect, the teacher can also use this data to guide instruction for the next Math class to make progress toward these goals.

Featured Imagephoto by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Scent Back In Time

Our class POV:
Technology should improve our lives by making things easier for us.

My Proposed Device:
Some sort of scent-catalog

Why a Scent-Catalog?

Have you ever smelled something familiar,

Maybe it made you feel something
– happiness, nostalgia, sadness… –
despite not remembering exactly what it was.

Or maybe you’ve forgotten what something smelled like
– a family dish, friends who’ve moved away, a place you visited… –
and miss it.

For some, maybe you even lost your sense of smell
– anosmia from COVID, nerve damage, or something else… –
and would like to re-experience it.

Not everything smells great, but still.
Wouldn’t it be great to somehow be able to smell all of these lost scents again and figure out what they are?

How It Works

I’m imagining some sort of digital book with several wires connecting to our head. As we smell more things, more scents are recorded in it.

If we smelled something familiar and wanted to know what it was, we would just connect the wires to our head and the name of the smell would pop up on the digital book.

Even if we lost our sense of smell, by connecting the wires to our head and finding it in our digital book, it can somehow allow us to experience those recorded smells again.

How This Satisfies Our Class POV:
A common theme from our Class POV was that technology should improve our lives by making things easier for us.

By having a scent-catalog, we can more easily be “sent back in time” to reconnect with the things we miss. We can also re-live memories of people, places, and things that we might’ve forgotten about. This can be therapeutic and improve our lives.

Would you want to be “sent back in time”?

Featured Image by Tadeusz Lakota on Unsplash
Two People Hugging photo by adrianna geo on Unsplash
People Eating photo by Zach Reiner on Unsplash
Family Cooking photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash
Traveling in a Car photo by averie woodard on Unsplash
Candle photo by Daniel Andrade on Unsplash

It’s Not Just Sound!

Welcome, 5th graders! Today we’ll be taking a look at volume~
Lesson 1:
– What is it?
– What types of things have it?
– Scavenger Hunt!
Lesson 2:
– How do we measure it?
– Practice counting!

Lesson 1: Introduction to Volume

Learning Objectives:
1.) I can define volume.
2.) I can list and explain examples of things that have volume.

What is Volume?
Volume is how loud or quiet a sound is:
– Example: Hearing your alarm clock at max volume (and not wanting to get out of bed).

But volume is ALSO the amount of space inside a three-dimensional object.
This is the definition we’ll be using in Math.
Let’s break this definition down! πŸ™‚

Reviewing Dimensions:
Think of one-dimensional (1D) as lines!
– It’s 1D because only one dimension is being measured (Length)

Think of two-dimensional (2D) as flat shapes!
– It’s 2D because two dimensions are being measured (Length, Height)

Think of three-dimensional (3D) as thicker shapes!
– It’s 3D because three dimensions are being measured (Length, Height, Width)

Let’s look at the pictures below for some examples πŸ™‚

1D – these lines can only be measured via Length
2D – these flat shapes (triangles) can be measured via Length and Height
3D – these thicker shapes (pyramids) can be measured via Length, Height, and Width

Lines (1D) are just that! Lines!
Flat shapes (2D) include squares and rectangles. Can you think of any other 2D shapes?
Thicker shapes (3D) include cubes and rectangular prisms. Can you think of any others?

Let’s go back to our definition of volume, now that we’ve reviewed dimensions.
Volume: the amount of space inside a three-dimensional object.

So, what are some examples of things that have volume?

Let’s look at this Coca Cola πŸ™‚
Is the picture on the left an example of volume? What about the one on the right?
Go back to our definition of volume in green.
Think about it for a little bit BEFORE scrolling down.

Volume: the amount of space inside a three-dimensional object.

The empty glass on the left…
IS an example of volume! It’s 3D (has Length, Height, and Width), and has space inside of it. In this case, the air is the space/volume.

The Coca Cola on the right…
IS ALSO an example of volume! It’s 3D (has Length, Height, and Width), and has space inside of it. In this case, the Coca Cola liquid and the air at the top are the space/volume.

Now it’s your turn! πŸ™‚
Find some objects around your home that have volume.
Comment WHAT objects you found, and WHY they’re an example of volume.

Review Lesson 1 Learning Objectives:
1.) I can define volume.
2.) I can list and explain examples of things that have volume.

How successful do you feel with these objectives?
Leave a comment with any questions before moving on to lesson 2 πŸ™‚

Lesson 2: Measuring Volume

Let’s review what we learned in Lesson 1 πŸ™‚
Volume: the amount of space inside a three-dimensional object.

So if we’re measuring the space inside of three-dimensional objects to find the volume, our next question is… How do we measure that space?

Learning Objectives:
1.) I can explain what unit cubes are.
2.) I can count volume using unit cubes.

A unit cube helps us measure volume. It looks like a cube!
By counting how many unit cubes are in a 3D object, that will tell us what the volume is.
Let’s practice counting πŸ™‚
How many unit cubes are in each picture?

Image 1: One unit cube
Image 2: Four unit cubes
Image 3: Four unit cubes (don’t forget the pink cube in the back!)

Now imagine filling these unit cubes into a container.
Depending on how many fit in one, that will tell us the volume of that container!

Can you try to solve how many unit cubes make up this Rubix Cube? πŸ™‚
(Hint: Remember our Length x Height x Width formula?)

Review Lesson 2 Learning Objectives:
1.) I can explain what unit cubes are.
2.) I can count volume using unit cubes.

How successful do you feel with these objectives?
Leave a comment with any questions πŸ™‚

Featured Image by Zak Neilson on Unsplash
Cat photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash
Line photo by Alex Holliman on Unsplash
Triangles photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash
Pyramid photo by boesijana on Unsplash
Empty Coke photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash
Full Coke photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Binoculars photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
Box photo by Brandable Box on Unsplash
Ice cubes photo by sheri silver on Unsplash
Colorful cubes photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
White Rubix Cube photo by pure julia on Unsplash

Barely Briething

These are a list of things as of January 2021 that my body does very poorly.

Riding A Bike

Even after being alive for 21 years and living in Japan (where everyone rides a bike), I still can’t ride one.

Detecting Threats

If any blowing bubbles get on my skin, my body freaks out. I swell up for a day or two (because, obviously, these cute little orbs are very life-threatening and dangerous).

Parallel Parking

Even if it took me SEVEN HOURS to drive somewhere and the only available parking was by parallel parking, I’d literally just drive back home. I don’t care.

FYI they still parallel park better than me.


Most people in my family are 5’6 or taller, but I’m currently 5’2.

My family keeps track of my height on a door, hoping that I get taller… But I’ve been shrinking ever since middle school for no reason.

An actual photo of what’s happening inside my DNA.

Driving on Roundabouts

If you’re ever in the car with me for one of these, I might give you whiplash or kill us both.

But if you’re ever driving around me at one of these, you better be in one place and one place only. As far away from me as possible.

Tolerating Milk

I’d honestly have no hard feelings toward natural selection if being lactose intolerant took me out. I need to do better and I know it.

Reading “Sew” Correctly

This is very minor but it just bugs me how my brain knows it’s pronounced “so” but my eyes read it as “sue”.

Doing Yoga

I can do yoga just fine, but my bones crack a lot and I’m just tired of scaring everyone in the studio.


I feel so bad for anyone who has had to be in the same room as me while I battle hiccups. They sound like this, but slightly shorter.

Enjoying Bardcore

Not sure if my serotonin levels are just that low or if my ears are broken, but I can’t stop listening to this.

Thanks for reading! πŸ™‚

Featured Image by Islander Images on Unsplash