Adventures of the Galactic Scavengers!

Authors: Kate Marshall and Lannie Hisashima

The target age group for this activity is 4th graders and the subject is science. This lesson is more like a homework assignment that is given after a class session that introduces the solar system but does not focus on each planet individually. And so, the goal of this assignment is to allow students to learn about each planet using a closer lens. Instead of using class time to do this, Google Sites has allowed us to create a homework assignment that students can complete at their own pace of exploration. They will explore our Google Site while filling out a scavenger hunt worksheet (we would supply them with this document in a Google Classroom post). The worksheet would ask questions such as, “Where can you find the largest volcano in the solar system?” or “Where can you find the most suitable environment for life to thrive in our solar system?” To wrap up the activity, we also added a Google Form survey to see how students like the activity and whether it is something that should be done again in the future.

Featured Image: Photo by Guillermo Ferla on Unsplash

Water Cycle

By Jack Taylor & Jenna Rappaport

Grade: 3

Introduction to a unit on the water cycle.

Goal: for students to understand condensation, precipitation, and evaporation. This site helps students by providing defintions, examples, and visuals.

Featured Image: Clipart

Identifying Our Emotions!!

Photo by Domingo Alvarez E on Unsplash

Authors: Hailey Colman and Kasidy Honnaka
Targeted Group: Kindergarten SEL 
Lesson Context: Stand alone lesson 
Goal:  Students will be able to identify their emotions and use this information to regulate their behavior 
This site helps reach their goal because it helps students understand this concept, provides them with extra resources, and checks for their understanding with the exit slip

Magnificent Magnets!

Authors: Georgina Jeffers and Chloe Kelly

Grade: Third Grade

Content: Science Lesson


  1. Students will begin the lesson with a warm-up on what are magnets
  2. Students will watch videos and observe what magnets do and how they behave.
  3. Students will be asked to show their learning through an exit ticket reflecting on what was covered in the lesson.

Goal: Students will have started to grow a foundational understanding of what magnets are and how they work based on the YouTube video and exit ticket alongside.


Photo by Dan-Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash