Looming through Google Tools

Lesson Context:

As we are living through the pandemic and students are completing work virtually, the difficulty of students sharing their own writing has increased. I’ve struggled thoroughly to view student work as we have created persuasive papers, fairy tale adaptions, and more. This mini lesson through Loom is meant to aid student’s in sharing their hard work when using Google Tools such as Google Docs and Google Slides.


This video can help any new users of Google Tools.


To aid new users of Google Tools and teach them to share their work.


  • Students may be better aided by having the specific email to use.
  • Sharing work across all Google Tools is the same.
  • A video like this may save you time if your students are using Google Tools, especially in the younger grades. You will have to remind student’s often to share their work and they will need reminding on how to do so.

Featured Image:

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash 

3 Replies to “Looming through Google Tools”

  1. Marissa,
    Loom is such a perfect tool to demonstrate using other tools. Usually, things like sharing your document either are explained in the classroom through an example or individual students are shown the steps. Sometimes, they are left unexplained at all. Videos like this can provide that missing information and can be easily shared with others. Plus, once created, they are essentially a permanent resource that can be used repeatedly and over the years. I know I really appreciate knowing how to share documents and I am sure your students will too!

  2. I enjoyed the tone of this. Very supportive and friendly instructions for students. Well planned and delivered with good sound and visual quality.

    Good idea to demonstrate using two different Google tools. It reinforces the process and helps students see the underlying similarities between the apps.

  3. This is great and informative. There are so many great tools and it can get confusing to navigate all of them so this quick demo is great and something they could look back at if they forget. I know I constantly am looking back at the videos for this class to learned how to post things through word press, so I know your students would be using this resource until they could get it under their belts comepletly!

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