For this assignment of using book creator I decided to make a sample of an introduction book the students will make themselves on the first day of class as an assignment. I was thinking since most schools have been online since the school started this would be a good way to introduce themselves to their peers virtually. I would use this for any grade to be honest just because most schools started online at the beginning of the year. My book below would be the example the students could use to come up with some ideas of what they could put in the book. During the first class I would read the book to the children or they could listen to it since the website does it for you as well. I also added at the end of the book my google site link so the students and parents could use it as a resource as well as a google form checking in with how they are feeling with the school year starting up again!
These are screenshots of the book pages as well!
Featured Image: Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
This is a wonderful way for students to introduce themselves! You could even make a class book out of each person’s individual too. I liked that you used a bunch of features, even providing a link to your website and using a google form. I also liked that you included a link for an audio version of your favorite book! I will say that this may be limited as a student activity due to access. Since access to Book Creator as well as to understanding how to use it are essential, the grade/students this can be done with is a bit limited. However, I love the idea, especially in this new age of online education!
A good example of using Book Creator to develop a personal connection with students. They always want to know more about their teachers and your book provides a charming tool for doing that. Good use of Google Form and web to demonstrate how to blend different edtech tools into more comprehensive learning experiences.
Hi Alexa,
I love this use of Book Creator! It is such a fun way to get to know your students that allows them to get writing and to build relationships. It feels like a low pressure activity . It has a low floor as students can decided what to share, yet have an example to follow. It also can have a very high ceiling depending on the production level desired. This is a great use of Book Creator that I can view myself using in my own classroom.
This is cool because the example not only models what you want your students to create, but also shares some info about yourself. I like that you added the gallery of pages so it’s easy to access without opening the link, too.
This is such a fun way to introduce yourself! I really liked how you included your favorite childhood book. Maybe you could use this as a model for students to even create their own book about themselves to present to the class so they can all get to know each other as well!