Mapping the Events of WWII

Grade: 9th

Subject: U.S. History

Goal: Students will use the knowledge they’ve gained in class or will conduct their own research to map out important locations of major events/landmarks of WWII. By using MyMaps, they will be able to visualize the events of WWII on a global scale and organize their information.

Hello class! This coming week, we will start our review on WWII to get ready for our unit test. The assignment for this weekend will be the start of our review using Google My Maps. For this assignment, you will need to create a new Google My Maps (you can create this from your Google Drive by selecting ‘New’ in the top left corner, then pressing ‘More,’ and selecting ‘Google My Maps’). For those that are unfamiliar with this site, here is a link to a tutorial video on YouTube, however, it is relatively easy to navigate through without prior experience.

Your Google My Maps should have at least 5 pinned locations that connect to 5 different important events or places relevant to WWII (ex: decisive battles/attacks, military/naval bases, significant concentration camps, places where treaties were signed, etc.). Each of these pins should have the name, date, and a brief description of the event/landmark with at least 3 facts about it included (I encourage you to do some research on your own, but feel free to also use your notes!). We will be sharing these My Maps in small groups on Monday, so be prepared to present your maps informally. I’m excited to see what you guys come up with!

Example of student work:

Featured Image: Photo by Curtis Reese on Unsplash

One Reply to “Mapping the Events of WWII”

  1. Lannie, Interesting use of MyMaps to support study of WWII. MyMaps adds a geographical dimension to the lesson. Only suggestion would be to set the “default” view of the map to something that is zoomed in. The current view shows the world nearly twice.

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