Class 8: Create Interactive Lessons with Google Forms

Today’s class will be a deep dive into using Google Forms to individualize learning. We will explore techniques to create lessons that allow student responses to direct students to new content. With modification they can be used to create quizzes that give students immediate feedback and remediation. Similar techniques can be used to give students a chance to choose their own path through content.

We will focus on three use cases:

  • Survey – gather user input
  • Self Graded Quiz – provide feedback on correct / incorrect answers
  • Branching Form – user responses create a new path
  • Our Google Tools Self Assessment Link
  • Morning Check-In (with images) Link

Self-Graded Quiz

Here are some sample self-graded Google quiz created by former students

  • Rhymes (Graded)  Link
  • Addition (Graded – with feedback)  Link
  • Fractions (graded with video feedback) Link

For a written introduction see:
Google Forms: The Ultimate 2022 Guide

After an introduction to Google Forms, students will work in small groups to create their own self graded quiz.

Branching Forms – USer’s responses create a new path

Google forms can be set up so that a response will send the user to a specific section of the form. This can be used in testing – getting a wrong answer takes the student to remediation content. Or in a “Choose your own Adventure” – where student responses can lead to selected content. See examples below:


  • Parrot quiz (after answering go to section with explanation and next question) Link
  • Simple differentiated quiz on Google Drive Link


  • Museum walk through (adventure / test)  Link
  • Halloween (adventure)  Link
  • Choose your California trip (adventure)  Link

Assignment 8: Interactive Lessons with Google Forms | Forms lesson 22-A8

The post should include:

  1. Featured image and clever title
  2. A direct link and an embedded version of your self-graded quiz
  3. A direct link and an embedded version of your branching form
  4. A paragraph describing how you might make use of Google forms in the classroom

The post should include a self graded quiz with:

  1. Header image
  2. At least 8 questions
  3. Use at least 3 different question formats
  4. Use images to illustrate at least one question
  5. Auto feedback on correct/ incorrect answers
  6. At least one video and one link feedback

The post should include a branching form – test or adventure – with:

  1. Header image
  2. At least two paths from first question
  3. Multiple content and questions on each path

Note: You will need to get an embed code from your Google forms to use with the “Custom HTML” block in WordPress and embed in your post.

To get an embed code for Google Forms to use with WordPress: 

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