My favorite app I learned about in class was padlet, so I will plan on using it for my final IBook project. My partner and I will start with an introduction page, insert an interactive padlet example, discuss using padlet for teachers, discuss padlet for students, give the pros and cons of padlet, and end with a reflection. Our widgets will include the interactive padlet examples. Our learning activity will be appropriate for 2nd-fifth grade students.
I created a seed germination lesson based on the app “Ed Puzzle.” Ed puzzle is a site that posts interactive videos for students to watch. There are options where you can pause and the site will ask questions about what has been previously viewed. As a teacher, I would use an Ed Puzzle video on seed germination in a second grade classroom during a science unit on plant growth. Before presenting students with the video, I would assign a class project where students planted their own seeds in small plastic containers, and placed them under the classroom windowsill to get light. As the unit would progress and the seed began to grow, students would make observations in their science journals about what they noticed.
We divided up in class last week to explore Adobe Spark, Toontastic, and Clips. The app I played around on was Adobe Spark. Adobe Spark is similar to powerpoint. You can add videos or pictures to each of your slides, based on different predetermined themes. After you add pictures, there is also the option to choose music to record in the background and different page layouts. You can choose text shape, font, and color as well. I made my own Adobe Spark slide as well based on the theme, “Summer Activities.” My slides included a beach and carousel ride. When you have finished your slides, you have the option to preview it before you share.
I have embedded an example of one of my favorite books as a kid, “The Lorax,” by Dr. Seuss. My video would be targeted towards a second grade audience.
My goal would be for students to fulfill the common core state standard, ” CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.2:
Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.”
I like the idea of using this video as a resource, where I play the video out loud, and students follow along in their own books. The video would be a good introduction to the kids about what imovie looks like in a classroom. As the students are reading the book out loud and listening to the imovie version, I will periodically pause the video and ask them to retell the story in order to check for understanding. What was “The Lorax about?” After we have a class discussion about the video’s summary, I would ask the students to share what they thought the central message of the story was. My objective would be for students to share about how “The Lorax” is connected to the issue of environmentalism in the world.
At the end of the lesson, I would ask students to brainstorm topics that they care about. Every day, I will begin class with a lesson about a topic with a lesson or moral. At the end of the unit, I will ask students to look for books with a distinct lesson or moral in the class library. After presenting students with a tutorial on how to create an imovie, they will be put in groups and create their own imovie where they read the book of their choice out loud and explain why they picked it, what it is about, and what the central message or lesson is.
Wow! A lot has changed in the past 15 years surrounding technology in education. I am writing this letter during my morning prep period on Monday, September 1, 2033. The school day begins and ends with technology. I started my day commuting to school in my self-driving car, which has now become mainstream. Students commute to school through hover-boards, self-driving cars, and even self-driving school buses! Today begins with show-and-tell. Students spend time gathered together on the rug, sharing about their pet robots. Each student’s pet robot has a special talent. Carly’s pet robot can juggle! Amy’s pet robot can clean the house! Robert’s pet robot can fly!
In the middle of the day, students use their iPads to brainstorm for an opinion piece: How much technology should be used in the classroom, and why?
During the end of the day, students leave the classroom. But not before having their pet robots record their homework assignments and due dates.
Our lesson is based on the article, “How classrooms look around the world-in 15 amazing photographs,” by Valerie Strauss. Our goal for this lesson is for students to be exposed to different classrooms and cultures around the world. The classroom settings range from Russia to Brazil, and the students range from primary school to secondary school. One classroom in Pakistan is very minimalist, and illustrates how through a lack of resources, but a great deal of imagination, the outdoors can become a classroom. In contrast, one classroom in Morocco exhibits their creativity through paintings on the walls. The students will be able to compare and contrast their own personal experience in school with the students in the photographs. Students will become open-minded and globally curious. Students, through reflection, will gain an appreciation for the resources that they have.
“Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch,” by Eileen Spinelli, is about a lonely man who one day receives a mysterious letter in the mail. The letter changes his outlook on life, and he begins spreading joy to all his neighbors, until he is told it was meant for someone else. Mr. Hatch goes back to being lonely, but his neighbors surprise him, and he reverts back to his cheerful state. Our lesson will teach children the message that you do not need objects to keep you happy. They will learn this through the powerpoint which will include little projects and writing prompts.
Explain it: My lesson is based on the Oregon State Standard, “CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.5: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.” In my lesson, students will learn the elements of a stories’ beginning, middle, and end.
The beginning of the story answers the question: “Who are the characters? What is the setting?”
The middle of the story answers the question: “What happens to the characters?”
The end of the story answers the question: “How are the characters different than they were at the beginning because of what happened during the story?
Students will select a picture book, and look for a beginning, middle, and end. They will then retell the beginning, middle, and end of the stories they have chosen to the class.
I am going to teach a unit to second graders on pollination. According to, “pollination occurs when pollen is moved within flowers or carried from flower to flower by pollinating animals such as birds, bees, bats, butterflies, moths, beetles, or other animals, or by the wind.” The brightly-colored petals and sweet scent of flowers attracts bees. An insect drinks the nectar from the plant, and in the process, pollen sticks to the bees. Then, the pollen is spread through either the wind, or the pollen spreading to other flowers. The bee drinks until he is full, and then passes the pollen to other bees around him. Then, the bee brings the honey to the hive. Eventually, the honey gets stored in the honeycomb. Each of my three images will feature a bee, hummingbird, and butterfly.
Essential Questions:
What do hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies have in common?