Class 9: Sway vs Adobe Spark Page

Sway vs Adobe Spark Page

Last week, students explored digital storytelling with Microsoft Sway. This week we will introduce another useful tool – Adobe Spark Page.

We will open the class with students giving an “elevator pitch” for their final projects. Students will give each other feedback to assist project development.

Then students will get a brief introduction to Adobe Spark Page.

Assignment | Posts 19-A9

Students will use Adobe Spark Page to tell a digital story. I would suggest something that parallels the “Where I’m from” post from last week. How about “where I’m heading…?”

Then students will use HTML Snippets to embed both last week’s Sway story and this week’s Adobe Spark Page story.

They will write a review that explains which app that they found to be the most useful using at least 3 supporting arguments.

Class 1: Tech-Savvy Teacher’s Meme Smackdown

Here’s the flow of our first class  – a chance to get to know more about the course and try our hand at our first two tech tools.

  1. This our first class  … so … some intro activities.
  2. Peter will offer a  quick demo of AdobeSpark Post –  a great tool for creating striking title slides with public domain content.  See video below for more.
  3. Students will get a quick overview of WordPress and be pointed to our WordPress 5.0 Playlist. Next, students will work in small groups discussing their vision of the tech-savvy teacher. They will be invited to turn those ideas into memes using AdobeSpark Post
  4. While students are working, Peter will get each student logged into our WordPress account.
  5. We’ll have a meme smackdown and reflect on the activity and how the classroom workflow was designed and managed.

Assignment 1 / Completed Work Meme Gallery | Posts 19-A1

Task 1: For your first blog post write an elaboration / explanation of your meme. The post is due by midnight Sunday Jan 20.

Students should be sure their post includes a featured image (meme) made using  AdobeSpark. Use your meme from class or make a new one.

Here’s some post prompts – feel free to use one or more for inspiration.

How the meme reflects …

  • What you’ve learned about edtech in the classroom.
  • The challenges or opportunities of edtech.
  • Where do I want to be in my use of edtech tools in 3 years.

Task 2: Before our 1/23 class, comment on at least 2 student posts. It’s a conversation, not simply a … “nice job.”

How to use Adobe Spark Post

How to log into WordPress

How to write your first WordPress blog post

Tech Savvy Teachers’ Meme Gallery

Our first class opened with a chance to use AdobeSpark Post and create our first WordPress post. Students worked in small groups discussing their vision of the tech-savvy teacher. Then they were invited to turn those ideas into memes using AdobeSpark Post. The memes and an explanation anchored their first blog post. Both apps taught without much direct instruction.
See their full posts here.

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