Resources From the Semester

This semester was filled with a TON of new technology resources that I will be able to use as a future teacher, which is especially helpful. In this post, I am going to highlight some of my favorites as well as what I think might come in most handy when I am student teaching next year and beyond. Using technology in education is especially powerful because it allows for multimodal learning and creates space for more of a growth mindset environment that doesn’t only look at right/wrong answers, but also weighs the creativity of the students.

This one I love, because it is so easy to use and very student friendly! It can be super quick and informal, or super formal, it has a ton of potential!
I liked doing this project because of how much we were able to embed on the slide, and how easy it was to include.
This project worked on book creator, which was also very easy to use and navigate. It is also very manageable to share with students for them to interact with, which is especially great.
I thought this one was especially fun because of how interactive it can be for students to use, and I had fun making this one. Even though there are a ton of details and places pinned on MyMap, it was super quick to create, which is also great when teacher’s already have such little time.
This last one is from the Chat GPT lesson and I just had a ton of fun with this lesson when looking at the AI’s capabilities and what it can do, especially for students. I thought I would include this one so I can remember it as a resource to use in the future!

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