Going into this class, I was super enthused to learn methods for using technology in the classroom. For me, being tech savvy used to mean being able to operate a document camera and to use Google Docs. Ok, well it was a little bit better than that, but this class has really opened my eyes to new tools that I did not know existed. It has also provided me with practical tips on the logistics of how I would actually use tech tools to enhance a class.
After trying out and experimenting with a bunch of tech tools, I would like to make a list to catalog some of my favorites as well as my brief reflections about them:
- WordPress – Starting from a basic blog post to including video and site embeds, seeking creative commons license photos to accompany, and more, practicing using WordPress made me appreciate its friendly user-face and simplicity. Surely this will come in handy for blogging in the future.
- Adobe Spark – While working on the class E book, we were introduced to this tool. I had too much fun testing the endless possibilities of creative design on this and can see many uses for its professional-quality images with words.
- Google NGram Viewer – This tool for visualizing the rate of use of certain terms could be used in many classrooms and could connect topics therein to the real world.
- Screencasting – Making screencasts was not as easy as it appeared and might take some practice to become proficient, yet it was a great way to present material on a screen and another option for how to explain material to students or give them resources to use outside of class.
Overall, this class was valuable because it tied theory to practice, a feat difficult to accomplish in an ed class. Again, I look forward to the future, curious about where ed tech will advance and how it will change the very nature of education. I trust that we will be good stewards of it and carefully implement it in prudent and effective ways.
Featured Image created on Adobe Spark