Quarantine Got You Down? You Should *Safely* Get Out More

This past year has been a trying one for nearly everyone– from a global pandemic, an exhausting election, a climate in crisis, and a seemingly never-ending battle for systemic justice. It’s natural to wish for an escape to somewhere far away, taking in the beauty of uncorrupted nature and simply enjoying life. Unfortunately, travel during the pandemic is greatly limited, meaning that most folks rely on what’s nearby to fulfill their wanderlust fantasies. This post details some of the ways I have personally managed to get out and about during this quarantine.

1. Take a picnic to a local park

Going on a picnic is a nice way to get outside the house and maybe evening reconnect with friends and family– from a socially safe distance, of course. It’s also a great way to support local business by taking food to-go and eating elsewhere.

This video has some great ideas of what you should pack on your picnic:

2. Go take a hike (literally)

One unexpected perk of quarantine is that it actually forced me to leave my house and venture outdoors to maintain sanity. Hiking is a healthy and safe way to get some fresh air and see the world free from the fears of large crowds during a pandemic. No matter what type of hiker you are, it is definitely a good way to escape the world’s problems for a few hours.

I also started to follow a lot more hiking-oriented social media accounts such as Oregon Explored on Instagram:

3. Get a houseplant

When you feel like you are cooped up inside during quarantine, houseplants are great companions! They purify the air, give you something to take care of, and they won’t infect you with a deadly virus. My houseplant collection has definitely grown since the pandemic hit, and it makes me feel like there’s a bit of the outside world in my space when I am not able to go outside.

My favorite local nursery is Cornell Farms! They are located in Southwest Portland, and walking around the farm is a fun outing all on its own.

4. Find a hobby to get your eyes off the screen

I have found that most of my desire to get out and do something comes from the ever-present monotony of the online world. I am staring at a screen almost constantly throughout the day. From teaching to attending class to FaceTiming friends, my life revolves around my computer. But too much screen time can be bad for your mental and physical health, so I have tried to spend some time finding hobbies that I enjoy away from my laptop.

Some specific screen-free hobbies that I’ve personally dedicated time to are:

  • Baking
  • Embroidery
  • Crochet
  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Doing jigsaw puzzles
  • Reading novels
  • Listening to podcasts

This article has some other very helpful hobby suggestions!

Sooner or later this all will end…

… so we might as well make the best of the time we have while we have it. While so many popular activities and pass times seem limited, there are still a whole host of different options to keep yourself mentally healthy and happy during quarantine. Take care of yourselves!

2 Replies to “Quarantine Got You Down? You Should *Safely* Get Out More”

  1. Hi Francesa,

    I really enjoyed looking at this list! I think this is all great advice and I see some things I would like to do! I definitely need a hobby to get my eyes away from the screen and have been thinking of trying Yoga! This post may inspire me to really do so. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Francesca,

    I love this post! I already bought so many plants over the last couple of months in quarantine but now I just have to go check out Cornell Farms, it looks like such a fun place to go!


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