Portland Scavenger Hunt

Hi everyone! Ms. P’s 3rd grade class is going on a day-trip to Portland, Oregon, to learn about a major city and get the chance to write about it! This lesson was inspired from, and combines locations from my 3rd grade scavenger hunt field trip, and my 6th grade bridge project.

Common Core Learning Targets:
  • L.3.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • L.3.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
  • W.3.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.


Today, you, a parent chaperone, and field trip buddy, will be exploring downtown Portland to get inspiration for our next writing project! Take notes about the things you see and do — what is special about each location and each experience? You will be writing a story based on these experiences using descriptive details and event sequences. Look at the map and pick some locations to go, but please pick:

  • At least 3 bridges
  • At least 2 buildings
  • At least 1 park
Bring with you:
  • A packed lunch (school can provide if necessary)
  • Map of Portland with locations marked/Scavenger Hunt List
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Chaperone and field trip buddy!
Scavenger Hunt:
  • Drink from a Benson Bubbler
  • Pose with one of the Animals in Pools fountains
  • Find the white stag sign
  • Perform a song outside of the Keller Auditorium
  • Create a piece of art using plants you’ve found and leave it for someone to find
Map of portland:

Use the map to help you find your way — plan which locations you would like to go to and save them!

End of the day:

We will all meet at 2:30pm at Powell’s Bookstore, marked with a RED heart on the map.


Photo by peter bucks on Unsplash

-Nicole Pagtakhan

2 Replies to “Portland Scavenger Hunt”

  1. Nicole,
    This is an excellent post. You took some time to develop the learning side with detailed targets, instructions and task. I think the Scavenger hunt aspect is very clever.

    You clearly use these assignments to foster some high quality work. Kudos.

    The default view of your map starts at a zoomed out level. You should “reset default view” to a zoom closer to your map points. Will display better that way.

  2. Hey Nicole!

    I love your idea of a scavenger hunt around Portland and incorporating parent help to do it! This is such a creative way to have students get to know Portland and build their writing skills by detailing their experiences. Great job!

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