Future Sophia

It really seems like these past 10 years have flown by! Around this time you were drowning in work counting down the days until you graduated. You had never felt so relieved before when you walked across that stage. Of course you miss the people you met, but you had a blast in grad school! It was only 7 quarters, but you met some of the most amazing compassionate people in your program and while volunteering in the community doing what you love. We did complete the Child Life Internship and got your certification. You’re now at your dream job at Seattle Children’s Hospital working with children of all ages. This time 10 years ago you were really upset you had to leave your Kindergarteners. They were such a joy, they even set up their own workforce! Who knows, maybe you will go back to Portland and work for them in the future.

In the meantime, you’ve traveled outside of the country for the first time. Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, and Greece! Vietnam, Indonesia, New Zealand, and the Caribbean are on your bucket list. You are now married to your best friend and life could not get any better. Mom and Dad are enjoying retirement going on trips in their RV and you’ve become closer with your cousins. Despite losing several loved ones, you’ve stayed strong. C is for Cookie still keeps you going. Remember how much you listened to it in your last semester of college? You have so much love and support from your family. Life may seem hard now, but you have so much to look forward to, keep your head up!

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