Class 3: Life with Technology

Featured image by Werner Du plessis on Unsplash

In today’s class we will explore the role of technology in our lives – how do we use it, how does it impact us, what works (what doesn’t) and how can it add value to our lives?

Students will work in teams to interview one another and distill some answers to our questions. We will work through a consensus building process to develop shared class point of view (POV) on the role of tech in our lives. Students will first meet in eight groups of two. Each student will interview the other and then the group of two will try to find some commonalities in their ideas. Those will be recorded on a Google slide. Then students will regroup in four groups of four to share their initial ideas and work for consensus among the larger group.

Finally the full class will meet and discuss their responses the role of technology in our lives. This shared class point of view (with a short list of criteria) will serve as the basis for future examinations of the intersection of technology and education.

Assignment 3: Our Tech Lives| Tech Life 21-A3

Students will develop a web post that responds to ONE of the following prompts. Don’t forget your clever title and featured image.

  1. What is your personal relationship with the technology in your life? Use our class POV to reflect on how tech impacts your life. Here’s a chance to reflect on a personal level. Are you addicted to social media? Does tech improve your life? And it’s a chance to be creative – instead of an essay – why not write a poem or record a TikTok?
  2. Interview people from other age groups (younger siblings, parents, grandparents?) What role does technology play in their lives? How is it similar / different from our class POV?
  3. Use our class POV as a springboard to “design” a new device, technology, app or platform. Be creative – have fun. Drone dog walker? Covid dating app? How would that satisfy our class POV?
  4. Another prompt to explore the role of tech in our lives

If you want to add poetry or formatted text use the “Verse Block”

There was a farmer who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-O.
And Bingo was his name-O!

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