Biomes: the Final Frontier

By Katie and Sydney

Students, in groups of 2-3, will use the ThingLink about the different biomes to fill out information in a Google Doc graphic organizer for 2 biomes. They will then do a Jigsaw sharing method in order to share what they learned with the rest of the class


  1. target audience
    1. Middle school Science Class
  2. subject of lesson
    1. Biomes
  3. instructional goal (what do you want students to know or be able to do)
    1. Learn the identifying characteristics of the 9 biomes that make up the Earth.
  4. technology being used
    1. Thinglink and Google Docs
  5. how technology supports instuctional goal
    1. The students are able to use ThingLink to explore a world map and see the locations of the different biomes. They then click on the biome and learn about the specific characteristics. Each group of 2-3 students will take notes on the Google Doc for 2 assigned biomes and then share with the class what they learned so the other students can add that information to their Google Doc.

Final Reflection

  1. What did you learn about the intersection of technology and instruction? What was your progress on becoming a “tech-savvy” teacher?

Throughout this course, I have learned so many great educational platforms to further my teaching. I have also learned how to operate these platforms. Using technology in the classroom is fun and easy to use for the students making the lesson more engaging for them and even for the teacher.

  1. This class was driven by mini-projects instead of test and papers. How did you respond? What does that tell you about student motivation?

I greatly prefer projects than tests or papers. I find I learn and remember more through projects. I felt more motivated to complete the assignments, and it didn’t feel like a task I had to do but rather a fun activity I get to complete. I will take this strategy into my classroom when I become a teacher. You truly learn more when doing projects.

Solar System KWL Chart using Padlet

This app has a variety of ways of making learning activities fun and easy to follow such as a book review, minilesson, or a timeline. I choose to make a Solar System KWL Chart. In this chart, the students will state what they already know, what they wonder, and what they have learned after the lesson. As a teacher, I would start with this before the lesson and fill out what we know and what we wonder. Once the lesson is complete, we would come back to this and fill out what we learned. This app is super easy to navigate and has fun little tricks so the students can really get involved in the lesson. For example, you can insert photos or gifs into the comments posted. You can also allow the students to comment on other’s posts or like/vote/rate their posts. It’s super fun to use and super fun to make. Definatlely recommend it!

Our Google Site

By Katie and Sydney

This is our introductory Google Site that includes our favorite HyperDoc lessons on Courage, Saving our Planet, and Plants and Animal cells. It also includes some other lessons that we prepared previously such as: a “get-to-know-you” activity about summer vacation or a favorite trip using MyMaps, an activity on “Misconceptions about Evolution” using interactive Google slideshow, and an instructional YouTube Video about photosynthesis.

Google Sites was user friendly and is something that we could see us using in our classroom in the future

Misconceptions About Evolution

By Katie and Sydney

This activity could be used in a middle school class to help make students aware of their misconceptions regarding the topic of evolution. This activity would fall at the beginning of a evolution unit, in order for the students and the teacher to have an indication of where students are prior to instruction.

The goal of the activity is to give the students and the teacher an indication of where students are prior to instruction. This activity would fall at the beginning of a evolution unit.

Students would be able to take themselves through the quiz and read the reasoning for each misconception. In order to share the information with the teacher, the students can write down the questions that they struggled with. Allowing teachers to be able to have an idea of what were the commonly missed questions.