Hello Technology My Old Friend

Iphone image by Arnel Hasanovic from Unsplash

Technology Influence

iPads aren't only best for games 
Playing games can put kids minds to flames

Kids can use technology to get smart
Some kids use technology for art

Many teachers use technology to conduct their class 

This helps students succeed 
And pushes them to learn with speed

This is why technology is so good. 
Helping students learn just how they should. 

This poem talks about the ways technology can impact learning as well as teaching. Technology can either serve as a helpful resource or a distraction in the classroom. I believe that the way children choose to use technology in and out of the classroom can influence the way they learn and their interest in learning.

My personal relationship with technology focuses on building deeper connections with my friends and family. I admit, I have found myself falling into the deep, dark hole that is TikTok which can allow me to get distracted from my priorities in the “real world”. On the other hand, I am able to use technology in a way that benefits my personal life. This being, staying in touch with my family, staying updated with friends, and communicating with friends I haven’t talked to in a long time. Even though I can think of a long list of negative impacts technology brings, I am grateful for having technology in my daily life.