Utilizing AI- Understanding Emotions Lesson

In exploring AI and ChatGPT I chose to ask ChatGPT to “Create a creative and interactive lesson for 4th and 5th graders about understanding emotions that is culturally responsive”. In asking this of ChatGPT it would be interesting to see how they interpret cultural responsiveness and how that might make the lesson different. I also have planned a lesson on this specific subject and wanted to see how the lesson that I created compared to what ChatGPT might offer as a lesson plan.

Here is what ChatGPT offered when asked “Create a creative and interactive lesson for 4th and 5th graders about understanding emotions that is culturally responsive”…

Here’s a lesson plan for understanding emotions that can be adapted for 4th and 5th graders with a focus on cultural responsiveness:

Objective: Students will understand the concept of emotions and be able to identify and express their own emotions in a culturally responsive manner.


  • Chart paper and markers
  • Emotion cards (can be made by the teacher or downloaded from the internet)
  • Index cards and pens
  • A large bag or box
  • Examples of culturally diverse books, music, and art that express emotions

Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Ask students to think about times when they felt happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion.
  • Draw a chart on chart paper with four columns labeled “Feeling,” “Facial Expression,” “Body Language,” and “Words.”
  • Explain that emotions can be expressed in different ways across cultures and that it’s important to be culturally responsive when understanding and expressing emotions.
  • Show examples of culturally diverse books, music, and art that express emotions.
  • Ask students to help you fill in the chart by suggesting examples of each type of expression for each emotion from different cultures.

Direct Instruction (15 minutes):

  • Explain that emotions are natural and normal reactions to situations and events in our lives.
  • Use the chart as a visual aid to help students understand the different ways that emotions can be expressed across cultures.
  • Show students the emotion cards and have them sort the cards into categories of “big” emotions (such as happiness, anger, sadness) and “smaller” emotions (such as frustration, embarrassment, excitement).

Interactive Activity (25 minutes):

  • Hand out index cards and pens to each student and ask them to write down a situation or event that has made them feel a strong emotion.
  • Have students take turns sharing their situations and the emotions they felt.
  • As students share, have the class brainstorm and write down the different expressions (facial, body language, words) that might accompany that emotion across cultures.
  • Place the index cards in a large bag or box and mix them up.
  • Have students take turns drawing a card from the bag and acting out the emotion described on the card, considering cultural differences in expression.
  • As a class, try to guess the emotion the student is acting out, considering cultural differences.
  • Discuss any similarities and differences in expression of emotions across cultures.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Review the chart on chart paper, pointing out how emotions can be expressed in different ways across cultures.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding and expressing emotions in a culturally responsive manner.
  • Encourage students to continue to practice identifying and expressing their emotions in a culturally sensitive way.

Assessment: Observe students during the interactive activity and take notes on their ability to identify and express emotions in a culturally responsive manner. Provide individual feedback and support as needed. Encourage students to share their perspectives and respect different cultural expressions of emotions.

My Personal Takeaways: I think that AI can be useful for teachers as a starting point to generate ideas for lessons. In comparing my own lesson to what ChatGPT offered there were many similarities in concepts and activities. I think this can be a great way to generate ideas and adapt lessons that AI can create to the individual needs of your classroom.

Image Credits

Featured Image: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

One Reply to “Utilizing AI- Understanding Emotions Lesson”

  1. Sarah Beth,
    I agree that AI could best be used as a brainstorming tool and a “partner” to bounce ideas off of. But I do think we review what we get back to see if it really works. (Check out how AI has Iliana’s students making mud – grin).

    The section “interactive activity” ( a rather repetitious title) comes up with a grab bag to act out emotions – a cool idea. But I never quite see in the lesson how students are supposed to understand the subtleties of emotional expression in different cultures. It instructs you to
    – Show examples of culturally diverse books, music, and art that express emotions.
    – Ask students to help you fill in the chart by suggesting examples of each type of expression for each emotion from different cultures

    That seems to be a rather tall order. Culture is complex.

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