Unsung Stories of WWII: A Google Sites Lesson

Lesson Title: Unsung Stories of WWII

Target Student Group: 9th Grade Modern World History class

Lesson Context: This lesson was taught in the middle of a unit about World War II in order to illustrate the key concepts they learned in the previous lessons, such as the alliances of the war, Pearl Harbor and Japanese internment.

Objectives for this Lesson:

  • Students will be able to describe the stories of underrepresented groups in WWII history and explain why they are significant.
  • Students will be able to read and summarize text relating to each story’s article.

Google Sites helps me to achieve these objectives because it provides one key place for the many different types of resources I need to give to my students. Especially because each group is working on a different story, it would be very confusing and difficult to send so many links in the chat function of our online classes. This site allows me to just send one link to my students for all the resources they need.

Click on the image below to view the lesson on my Google Site:

2 Replies to “Unsung Stories of WWII: A Google Sites Lesson”

  1. I can see where this post leads to a portion of your course site. A fine lesson that leverages Google tools to share the stories of a diverse, but overlooked contributors to WWII Allied effort. I like the selection and presentation. Interesting task for students that gathered great personal stories from students that connect them to history.
    Glad that you have a Google site going that showcases your fine work.

  2. Hi! I really liked how your site was organized. It looks very aesthetically pleasing, and it is a unique way to teach something that would otherwise just be from a textbook.

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