Teaching with Tech

Looking Towards the Future with a First Grade Lens

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

As I mentioned in one of my early posts this semester, I have a love/hate relationship with technology. But the thing is, educational technology is an inevitable part of being a 21st century teacher. That means I need to be adaptable, open-minded, and willing to use technology in my classroom. This semester, I have learned so much about different tools I can weave into my classroom. I’ve practiced using these tools while also seeing ideas from my fellow future teachers. I have grown more open to the idea of incorporating new technology in the classroom because I now know how capable I am of learning new technologies even if the learning curve might scare me at first. Technology not only can, but should be incorporated in the classroom!

Whenever anyone asks what my ideal grade to teach is, I say kindergarten through 2nd grade. More specifically, I have grown to love 1st graders and this is the age I have requested for student teaching next year. This whole semester, I have been working with 1st graders at Alameda Elementary for my field experience and it has been wonderful watching them grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Therefore, I made it a point to create many lessons with a 1st grade lens, which are featured below. Hopefully I’ll be placed in a 1st grade classroom next year and can try out some of these technology-infused lessons!

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