I am from Down South

by Valerie Garcia

I am from heat and flat lands

from bales of hay and picket fences

I am from the state flower of bluebonnets

bell-like petals so tall and tinder that it leans to one side

I’m from eating tamales on Christmas Eve and beautifully arched eyebrows

form Dominguez and Garcia

I’m from the competitive gene and sore losers

From “calm down hulk” and “make good choice”

I’m from chihuahua

bean tamales and strawberry jello cake

From my grandpa punching a cow in the nose when it tried to ram into him.

The bruised hip of my grandpa when Texas got snow for the first time and she slipped down the stairs

The bulletin board I have in my college house where my family photos and high school memories are alive

I am from those memory’s on the bulletin board that builds me up when college breaks me down.


I liked Microsoft sway because it was very easy to work with even without a demo I feel like anyone could get the hang of it and figure it out by themselves. It also helps that we do not have to find our own pictures if we did not want to which makes life a lot easier as well.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

One Reply to “I am from Down South”

  1. Valerie, what a heartfelt and authentic narrative. So many colorful ideas. And the Sway does a great job of visualizing the text with some strong images.

    When I went to view this I had to log into Sway first. So I think you have to make it “public.” If you get stuck trying to do that, I can help in class this week. Also if you make public, I can embed for you.

    PS I did notice in a few spots on Sway – you wrote form and meant from.

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