Using Google Forms as a Self-Evaluation Tool

I used Google Forms to create the following self-assessment for students in a pre-calculus class.

Students would complete this form at the end of a semester/quarter.  The intent of this activity is twofold:

  1. In order to receive some feedback about my teaching performance, I ask students to tell me one thing that they thought I did well and one thing they thought I could do better to help them be successful in class.  I can use the student feedback to help myself improve as a teacher.  Initially, I had a field for students to enter their names, but I chose to delete this question so students could answer more candidly.  I also devoted one question to finding out whether or not students think the material they learned will be useful in their lives.  I always try to make math lessons applicable to the real world, and this question tells me how well I did this.
  2. Students are given an opportunity to reflect on their own performance throughout the semester.  They might consider if they need to stay more organized, put forth more effort, or ask more questions.  The intent is that students reflect on their performance and then improve in following semesters.

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