The Solar System

I created this book for K-2. I am aiming for this book to be read to a 2nd grade class. Students will then be assigned a planet to research and write about. The link that I used for the information was a kid’s version of the Solar System created by NASA. We would first read the book in class and then kids would write questions they would like to know about each planet. Each student must write about 4-6 sentences about what they found that answers their initial questions. A drawing of the planet must be included. I would like to take it a step further and help them create a physical model of their planet in class. Each student would then be able to talk to the class about what they wanted to know, what they discovered, and talk about their drawing and/or their physical model. A link is below to view the book.

Direct link to book

One Reply to “The Solar System”

  1. Sophia, a great idea for showcasing Book Creator as a learning tool. Your book is very well organized with a parallel presentation for each planet. Great selection of images. (with sources)

    I like the idea of having students create drawings as part of their project. Drawing is a great way to let students “summarize” what’s important to them. Models would be cool to make.

    A great book. … But I still miss Pluto

    PS: You should add a featured image to the post. Could be a screen shot of your book cover

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