
This video is for students and parents to show them how to log on to the classroom Seesaw page to either add content on the students end or for the parents to see what the class is working on.

I would add this to my classroom or school webpage as a reminder to students on how to login to their account if they forgot or if they were using an internet browser rather than the app that the school uses. This is also helpful for the parents because they are able to access the page as well in case they aren’t sure how to logon or if they forgot too.

2 Replies to “Seesaw”

  1. Nicely done. Great tone and clear pathway.
    I’ve had lots of teachers tell me they love SeeSaw. I’ve never used it. Maybe we can find some time for you to share with class.

  2. Nice job you clearly explained each step of how you would sign in both as a student and as a parent so you could easily reference back to this if you forgot. Also this sounds like a super cool app that students would definitely be interested in using and I would love to hear more about it as it sounds like a great tool to have for your classroom.

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