This video made on Clips is a read aloud with pictures, and captions that appear as the words are said. Although I didn’t use every feature on the app, I liked the simplicity of it, how each slide is easily timed through however long you talk, and how easy it is to edit the words after. I think this tool can be used educationally for students to practice their fluency, write their own stories, explore technology, and get creative. The only downside is that it can only be used on a phone or tablet which is not always available.
Nice to see you used Clips. I think that voice to text feature is a powerful instructional tool.
Hi Emily!
I love the idea of using this as a read aloud. I believe this is a great tool to practice fluency as well! It will also be a great way for students, especially those who are shy, to prepare it beforehand instead of reading the book in front of everyone. Because you will model this project, I believe slowing your pace and giving students more time for each page would be an adjustment to make! Overall, great idea and great job!
I love the idea of using this technology to create a read aloud. Read alouds are so important for students’ literacy development!! I like how you also used clips and it was interesting to see how that worked because I used a different form of technology to create mine. I think it suited the topic very well.
I really like this idea of the read aloud. I could see using this maybe in a English classroom with students working in a group on a article. They could each be assigned a chapter and then create a voice part with it and add it to the video. They can then show this to the entire class and it can be a informative of different articles.
Hi Emily!
I love how you chose to present a read aloud. This would work very well in the classroom and will be very engaging for students. I also love this book! Cute idea!