Social and Emotional Learning Activity – Made by AI

AI can definitely be used for the “wrong” reasons. While it can be used to cheat or plagiarize, it also can foster creativity and help spur new ideas. For teachers, I think that AI can be incredibly helpful when used correctly, as it can help teachers come up with new ideas for lessons and activities to do with their students without having to “reinvent the wheel” themselves.

I asked Chat GDT to design a social and emotional learning activity for kindergartener and this is what it came up with:

“Feeling Charades”

Objective: To help kindergarteners understand and express different emotions.

Materials: A list of emotions (happy, sad, angry, scared, surprised, etc.) written on index cards or pieces of paper


  1. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students each.
  2. Give each group a set of emotion cards and have them shuffle them.
  3. One student from each group will pick a card and act out the emotion written on it without speaking.
  4. The other students in the group must guess what emotion is being acted out.
  5. Once the emotion is guessed, the student acting out the emotion can explain why they might feel that way in a given situation.
  6. Repeat the activity with each student taking a turn to act out an emotion.

Variation: To make it more challenging, add a time limit for the acting and guessing portion of the activity.

I was impressed that it not only gave me a useable and relevant lesson, but also provided a variation that could be added over time to make it more challenging. The only critique I would give is that it did not consider the fact that kindergarteners are not yet fluent readers and would struggle to read the emotion cards themselves as assumed in this activity.

Overall, I think that AI is a great tool to use, especially when a teacher is feeling stuck and just needs some new ideas!


Featured Image: Lexica

Chat GTP

One Reply to “Social and Emotional Learning Activity – Made by AI”

  1. Ella, I agree that “feelings charades” was a good idea. Sounds like fun and a chance for students to explore the variability of SEL.

    I like your reflection – acknowledging that AI can be miss used, but may have some positive uses. I agree with your critique that students might not be able to read the cue cards. It would be interesting for you to go back to this chat and see what AI would suggest to counter that.

    Kind of “creepy” AI art – lots of furrowed brows.

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