Red, Yellow, and Green Foods – Nutrition Lesson

This lesson could be introduced in Kindergarten but could be used for up to 2nd graders for learning about healthy eating.

When it comes to food, some can be bad for you (red), okay for you in moderation (yellow), and good for you (green). I’m going to show you some examples of red foods, yellow foods, and green foods. You can think of a stoplight to help you understand. Red means stop or no, yellow means okay or maybe, and green means go.

Here are some red foods. What do you notice?

Here are some yellow foods. What do you notice?

Here are some green foods. What do you notice?

Now I want you to look at the food below and see if you think it is a red, yellow, or green food.

Chocolate is yellow! This is because it can be good for you in small amounts.

Think about what foods you eat that are red, yellow, or green!


Image by Agata from Pixabay

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Image by Chrystal Elizabeth from Pixabay

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Image by Szabolcs Molnar from Pixabay

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

2 Replies to “Red, Yellow, and Green Foods – Nutrition Lesson”

  1. A fun lesson. Well illustrated with images to make your point.

    The only suggestion I have is maybe using “stop, caution and go” foods instead of “red, yellow and green” foods. I’m not a K teacher, but wonder if warning them about “red foods” and showing a red cupcake might confuse color and nutrition.

  2. Molly,

    I like this idea of using images for this lesson! Kids will get so excited to see pictures of their favorite foods and I think it makes the topic so much more relevant when they can see it in a real life context.

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