Class 7: Planning Session

Featured image by Pixabay / fancycrave1

A reminder – we now meet in Shiley 123

After some Covid-induced Zoom classes and a snowstorm closure, it’s time to regroup. During this class, instructor will meet one-on-one with students in need of assistance on tech issues and portfolios. Groups of students will meet to begin plans for Lesson Showcase.

Assignment 9: Lesson Showcase| Lesson 23-A9

Working with one partner, students will design and deliver a 20-25 min learning experience to the class. Lessons will be delivered on one of these three dates – April 4th, April 19th or April 26th

Students should incorporate one or more digital tools that demonstrate how to effectively integrate technology into a learning experience. Your goal is good alignment between the technology and the learning experience

Lessons can be “taught” as if being delivered to school age students or as “adult PD” as if delivered to peers.

Student teams will co-author a single web post (due 48 hours before they are presenting) that explains your instructional goals and how they are supported / enhanced by the technology.

The post should give necessary instructions for a student to complete or a fellow teacher to replicate. And the post should include:

  1. target audience
  2. subject of lesson – embed or link to teaching content.
  3. lesson context – how does the lesson fit into larger unit – for example: intro, assessment, extension activity, etc.
  4. instructional goal (what do you want students to know or be able to do)
  5. technology being used
  6. how technology supports instuctional goal

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