Mr. Marelich’s Vault

Before entering this course; I felt that I had a relatively decent grasp on the different forms of technology that may come up in the classroom. However, by the end I have learned so much about different facets of technology that I can safely say that I’ve been proven wrong. A classroom has far more possibilities to have technology integrated into it than a simple Power Point or YouTube Video, and my Portfolio is evidence of this.

Word Press; A New Way to Present Information

Being introduced to Word Press was an interesting start to the class. Setting us up with the tools we needed to present with others about what we covered, and how much we have learned. I think that taking an active role in the creation of a living website was really interesting and hope to try to create something like it later in my life.
This being said, the post above was my introduction to WordPress, and the story of how I worked my way up to teaching throughout my life.

Animals of Africa: Book Creator

In this post, I have created a book using Book Creator. This book is a set of visual instructions for students in 2nd and/or 3rd grade in order to create a research project based on an animal of their choice that lives in Africa.

AI In the Classroom

This post was primarily on explorations in AI (especially ChatGPT) within which I used an assortment of AI models to create images, as well as help create lesson plans for a 2nd grade classroom. Having never thought to use AI in this way before, I thought it was fun being able to go through and get advice for lesson plans from the AI itself or just gather some ideas from it as well. I have since continued to use this AI as a way to come up with ideas in order to build off of when creating lessons or art with my students.

Featured Image Provided By: Image by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay

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