To infinity and beyond!

  1. Self Graded Quiz- Earth’s Place in Space Unit Quiz

In my cooperating classroom, my first graders are learning about our solar system. This quiz will help the students assess how well they know the information and help the teacher know if there are any misconceptions that the students may have. The feedback given immediately after the quiz will allow the students to reflect on their results and answers. Here is a quick quiz I made about space unit!

2. Branching Form- Choose your space adventure

This branching form would be a fun activity for students to choose their own space adventure. This would be a fun way to either begin the unit to get student’s thinking about space (in a fun, unrealistic way) or to end the unit, as a celebration! Students will have the option to go to the moon or mars and encounter many obstacles on the way!

4 Replies to “To infinity and beyond!”

  1. Hi Elizabeth! That is great how your self-graded quiz ties to your branching form. You incorporated lots of images and I can imagine 1st graders loving to complete these forms! I also liked that students get immediate feedback with Google Forms.

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I agree with Hailey, looking at a branching form that connects to your self-graded quiz shows how much technology integration you can bring into your classroom. I think your branching form would be so fun for a part of a lesson regarding the solar system. Really great work, so cool to see!

  3. Elizabeth, a nicely matched pair of Google forms Together they demonstrate how the content could be presented in two different styles. Well done

  4. Elizabeth, I loved your branching form!! I thought it was so much fun and after I did it, I went back and chose a different route out of curiosity of the alternative routes hahah

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