I am from those who built me

I am from Oahu, Hawai'i
from mauka and makai
poke and Okinawan soba 
sandy feet and salty hair 

but more importantly 

I am from mothers and fathers,
little sisters and even littler brothers 
I am from best friends - old and new  

I am from photo albums 
preserving people I used to be and 
people I long to see 
I am from those who built me
and those who keep me standing 
https://express.adobe.com/page-embed.jsI am from those who built me

I was originally going to use Sway, as I wanted to try the different features out, however, the website was consistently shutting down whenever I tried to use it, so I decided to use Adobe instead. I am glad that I chose to switch to Adobe because I really like the way it looks and I don’t think it would have looked as nice on Sway. Sway seems to have more design options, but Adobe is a lot easier to use.

4 Replies to “I am from those who built me”

  1. Mykaela! I really enjoyed your I am from poem. I feel like I have learned a lot from your post. I really appreciate how you focused your poem around family. I feel like your Adobe Express layout flowed really nicely! Great job.

  2. Mykaela, I loved looking through your post for this week. Your poem connected with me in ways like family and photo albums. I also loved your variety of different uses of displaying images in Adobe Express. It flowed quite nicely altogether. I’m sorry that Sway kept shutting down on you, but totally agree that your layout for your Adobe Express page was seamless and nice to look at in the end. Thank you so much for sharing I really enjoyed looking at everything you added and what you wrote.

  3. Mykaela, what a lovely tribute to family and place. Thanks for sharing all your family photos. I especially like your phrase “I am from those who built me and those who keep me standing” So much power and meaning. Glad you gave Adobe a try – it came out great.

  4. Mykaela, ahh I loved your poem!! It was so beautiful. I love all the family pictures you included with it, great job!

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