Technology is our future


My phone is my friend

In my pocket everday

It’s fun and helpful

Some say it’s bad

It helps me communicate

And keep in touch with friends

After a long day,

My phone can help me unwind,

Keeping me happy!

Image by Concord90

My relationship with technology has its positives and negatives. My phone is something that I can’t go a second without, and this isn’t because I need to go on my socials, but it is my main source of communication. When I was younger my parents definitely monitored my screen time and for most of my childhood, I was doing many extra curricular’s so I did not have the time to look at a screen the whole day. As I got older and went to an out of state college, my phone has been my main source of communication. I Facetime my parents everyday and this is how I feel connected to them. Being away from them for a long period of time has been quite a big adjustment for me, but being able to talk to them and see their faces helps me to get through the hard days. Technology also is a great way for me to unwind after a long day. Ever since attending college, I have taken on many opportunities and responsibilities and my days usually start at 8am and end at 10pm so being able to come home and have my phone to unwind and relax has helped to keep me sane.

Image by geralt

2 Replies to “Technology is our future”

  1. Kasidy, interesting read. I especially like the haiku. Your another writer with a love / hate tech relationship.

  2. Hey Kasidy! I definitely relate to the importance of phones in regard to communication. Being so far from home and family can get really difficult for Hawaii students. I know a lot of people who leave for school on the mainland only to return to the islands due to homesickness. I’m glad that you have found ways to cope with the distance! I personally have a Facetime call with my mom at least once every 2-3 weeks, so you’re not alone in your struggles!

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