Annotating in an Elementary Classroom

This Padlet can be used to help upper elementary students keep track of their symbols they use when annotating documents. Students would be able to add their own symbols, pictures, or color coding system that they use. The students can refer to this Padlet when collaborating with peers in order to better understand and identify each-others annotations. If another student wishes to utilize the same annotation symbol as another student, they can “like” or “react” to it.  In utilizing this “Class Annotating Key,” students are encouraged to develop annotating and note-taking skills that will assist them throughout their academic careers. This Padlet also helps teachers keep track of which annotation belongs to which student.  In creating a symbol or image that best fits their individual system students are able to make the provided readings meaningful to them, while still being able to collaborate with peers and identify their annotations.

Made with Padlet

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